Solar Electric

Energy expenses are gradually increasing. Also, more and more electronic gadgets are utilized in homes. This makes it not surprising that many homeowners are looking for ways to save more on their monthly electric bills. If you want an alternative energy source, you should consider a quality solar panel system. This can significantly decrease or possibly eliminate your electricity costs. 

Use Electricity and Spend Less

Solar energy is converted into electricity through photovoltaic solar modules. Homeowners who use these enjoy the advantage of paying less for their electricity bills. They also take pride in making the planet a better place. Photovoltaic solar electricity is incomparable to other electricity-generating systems because of its many economic and environmental advantages,

Reasons Why You Should Switch to Photovoltaic Solar

Efficiency and Innovation

The fastest developing energy technology over the last decade is photovoltaic electricity. It has a warranty of 25 years and is designed to last for decades.

Good ROI

One of the best home investments you can have is solar power installation. Sun Power Solutions provide people the option to save more on their electricity bills through photovoltaic systems. Even with the rising costs of electricity, photovoltaic systems won’t cost which makes your savings grow. 

Payment Options

Our payment schemes and affordable energy makes photovoltaic electric systems a cheap energy source for homeowners. 

Good for the Environment

Photovoltaic systems are a clean source of energy, so they don’t release greenhouse gases or pollution. Not only do you save more money but also the environment.

Tax Credit

When you have solar water heaters, you are qualified for a 26 % Renewable Energy Federal Tax Credit by the government. 

How Photovoltaic Solar Systems Work

Using solar cells that transform sunlight to DC or direct current electricity, photovoltaic solar systems generate electricity. 

Photons in light come in contact with the solar panel and the semi-conducting elements of the panel absorb it. Negatively charged electrons that become loose from their toms are knocked. Because of the unique chemical structure of solar cells, these electrons only move in one direction which is DC electricity. 

For the process to work, the chemical bonds of the panel are needed. An inverter transforms the DC electricity into AC or alternating current which can be utilized to provide power in homes. 

Grid-tied and standalone are the 2 main types of PV systems. Grid-tied systems work with your utility provider and unused energy is returned to the provider and used later. Standalone systems are independent and utilize batteries for energy storage.